Andrew Eastwood

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of former PLS
Committee member, Andrew Eastwood. Andrew was the Society’s General
Secretary for fourteen years, taking over from Belinda Hakes in 2004 and
stepping down from the role in 2019. As James Booth noted in his
Editorial for issue 47 of ‘About Larkin’: Andrew’s ‘entertaining
summaries of the years’ events at AGMs will be long remembered’; but he
will also be remembered for an impromptu performance at the Garden Party
at 105 Newland Park in July 2004 in which he ‘revealed a remarkably fine
tenor voice’.

Drawing the raffle at a PLS event.

Andrew was born in Lancashire in 1952, and attended Audenshaw Grammar
School. His funeral service will take place at Dunkinfield
Crematorium on Thursday 15 February 2024.