As Bad As a Mile
September 2014 Nomination: As Bad As a Mile [9 February 1960. From The Whitsun Weddings] In the aftermath of the 2014 World Cup, sports journalist Barney Ronay in
September 2014 Nomination: As Bad As a Mile [9 February 1960. From The Whitsun Weddings] In the aftermath of the 2014 World Cup, sports journalist Barney Ronay in
August 2014 Nomination: Born Yesterday [20 January 1954. From The Less Deceived] Tightly-folded bud this poem is, with its riveting three-beat line recalling Robert Graves’ “Counting the Beats.”
July 2014 Nomination: The Mower [12 June 1979 Hull Literary Club magazine, (Autumn 1979)] In his brilliant 2008 book Larkin, Ideology and Critical Violence, John Osborne notes that ‘Ignorance’
June 2014 Nomination: Bridge for the Living [December 1975. Poetry Book Society Supplement, (Christmas 1981)] In Chapter 7 of his most recent monograph, Radical Larkin: Seven Types of Technical
May 2014 Nomination: Aubade [29 November 1977 Times Literary Supplement, (23 December 1977)] ‘Aubade’ is a poem that makes me happy. No line in the poem is happy.
April 2014 Nomination: An Arundel Tomb [20 February 1956. From The Whitsun Weddings] My choice of ‘Poem of the Month’ wavered for a while between Philip Larkin’s ‘Church
March 2014 Nomination: This Be The Verse [? April 1971] They fuck you up your mum and dad … has always struck me as a fantastic opening line
February 2014 Nomination: MCMXIV [17 May 1960. The Whitsun Weddings] I’d like to nominate and comment on ‘MCMXIV’. When Larkin was deciding the title for this wonderfully soft-focus
December 2013 Nomination: The Large Cool Store [18 June 1961] This one embodies one of the main reasons I love Larkin’s poetry – the ability to find
November 2013 Nomination: Next, Please [16 January 1951] The title although appropriate to its subject, almost does a disservice to the poem. This banal Next, Please, having
October 2013 Nomination: Deceptions [20 February 1950. From The Less Deceived] It is with a degree of uneasiness that one nominates ‘Deceptions’ as a ‘favourite poem’. This is,
August 2013 Nomination: Talking in Bed [10 August 1960. From The Whutsun Weddings] I admire this poem because it frames so precisely, and with poignance, the problems of