On Sunday April 3rd a group of 36 students and their teachers from Queensland Academy, Brisbane, visited Hull for a Larkin Study Day, hosted by the University and the Philip Larkin Society. They toured the newly refurbished University Library, including a rare opportunity to visit the Librarian’s Office, which has been little changed since Philip Larkin’s time as Librarian. After lunch in the Library’s fabulous new cafe area, they attended an entertaining talk given by James Booth, Larkin’s latest biographer.
The visit also took in various Larkin-related parts of Hull, including Pearson Park where the party was able to obtain an exterior view of the famous ‘High Windows’ of Larkin’s top floor flat at number 32.
The students are studying Larkin as part of the International Baccalaureate examination and found the visit invaluable for gaining a background to and cultural perspective on Larkin’s life and work.
Inside the Librarian’s Office.
James Booth gives his talk, wearing one of Larkin’s ties.
Arriving at 32 Pearson Park.