We are pleased to announce that The Philip Larkin Society podcast, Tiny In All That Air has now gone live and you can now subscribe for free through the podcast app of your choice.
You can find the taster episode at open.spotify.com/show/5aCJxGGOL… and podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fee… or head over to anchor.fm/tinyinallthatair
The first 10 minute ‘taster’ episode featuring PLS trustee Kyra Piperides-Jacques was released in November paving the way for the official launch date of 2nd December 2019. This date was chosen as the anniversary of Larkin’s death and also to mark the 25th year of the PLS itself. The opening episode features chair Professor Eddie Dawes who tells us some of his funny and fascinating stories about his friendship with Larkin.
This is followed by the two podcasts featuring Professor James Booth with his insights into Larkin’s life, relationships and poetic development that have already been very warmly received by listeners and Twitter followers. The most recent release is a chat with Wes Finch of The Mechanicals who discusses his Coventry roots and his musical settings of Larkin’s poetry. Coming up, we have more James Booth plus discussions with poet Keiron Winn, PLS merchandise officer and teacher Rachael Galletly and PLS trustee and Larkin researcher Philip Pullen.
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch to say they are enjoying the podcast and have suggested guests. Broadcast data show we have an international audience from Ireland to Greece to Pakistan and the stats show we have had a good number of listeners already. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at TinyInAllThatAir@tiny_air and if you would like to take part we’d love to hear from you!
Please contact Lyn via the Twitter account or email lynlockwood70@yahoo.co.uk.