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The Trees

The Trees

October 2011 Nomination: The Trees [2 June 1967. From High Windows] ‘The Trees’ is a poem that I have always enjoyed because it immediately resonates with one of the great pleasures derived from looking out of my window on a beautiful sycamore tree,

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The Trees

September 2010 Nomination: The Trees [2 June 1967. From High Windows] I have chosen ‘The Trees’, which I first published in the New Statesman when I was literary editor, on 17 May 1968. I also like the fact that it was one of the first

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The Trees

May 2005 Nomination: The Trees [2 June 1967. From High Windows] I love ‘The Trees’ because of the optimistic note on which it ends – optimism being, for me, a quality that is often overlooked in Larkin’s verse. The notion of starting “afresh,

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The Trees

May 2005 Nomination: The Trees [2 June 1967. From High Windows] I would like to nominate ‘The Trees’ for its mastery of versification and the nicely judged lingusitic modulation – from the mainly monosyyllabic simplicity of the first two quatrains to the splendid

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