We are deeply saddened by the passing of the President of the Philip Larkin Society, Anthony Thwaite. Anthony has held that role since the foundation of the Society in 1995 and only last year renewed his appointment for a further five years. To the presidency, he brought his reputation as a poet, his Larkin scholarship and his influential role as a Larkin executor. But he also brought his experience, his wisdom and his charm. Until ill health intervened in recent years, he was an incredibly loyal chair of the Annual Distinguished PLS lecture. He himself gave presentations and was a skilful interviewer at the launch of important Larkin books. He played a key part in two of the most joyous PLS moments: the unveiling of the Larkin statue in Hull and the memorialisation of Larkin in Poets’ Corner.
He leaves behind Ann, herself a distinguished author and powerful ally to Anthony in his presidency. To her we have offered our deepest condolences.
In due course, the Executive Committee will bend its mind to finding a successor. Quite some task.