It’s that time of year again, looking ahead to Christmas and New Year, and the PLS have just released two new excellent items for our online shop. Following on from the success of this year’s centenary wall calendar (which sold out), we have designed a charming A5 desk calendar to see you through 2023, in conjunction with our friends in Sheffield, Volta Creative. This time we celebrate the wonderful Larkin doodles taken from his letters, that reflect Larkin’s domestic concerns- from cutting down on the booze to dreading the next Budget- all things we can sympathise with still! Some of these have never been published before.
If you were a student back in the 1980s or 90s, you will surely remember Viz magazine- the Geordie institution that took a love of vintage ‘Beano’ style comics and brought them up to date with funny, often outrageous, jokes. Viz is still going strong today, and one of their long standing artists (and great Larkin fan) Davey Jones has kindly given us this image to turn into a high quality A4 print. Davey has never had his artwork used as merchandise before so we are very proud of this world exclusive! Perfect for an office wall or a stocking filler for a Larkin (or Viz) fan.
We still have the ever popular Christmas cards and snowy images of Larkin’s two Hull homes in Pearson Park and Newland Park, by Hull artist Tony Denison, as well as postcards, t-shirts, posters, tea towels, pencils and books. All purchases help support our charitable aims and are very much appreciated.