For Sidney Bechet – A ‘Tiny In All That AIR’ Podcast
Philip Larkin was not just a poet, he was also a jazz journalist. His collected articles can be found in All What Jazz: A Record Diary 1961–1971. (Faber and Faber. 1985). Larkin’s love of jazz
Philip Larkin was not just a poet, he was also a jazz journalist. His collected articles can be found in All What Jazz: A Record Diary 1961–1971. (Faber and Faber. 1985). Larkin’s love of jazz
We are deeply saddened by the passing of the President of the Philip Larkin Society, Anthony Thwaite. Anthony has held that role since the foundation of the Society in 1995 and only last year renewed
On this month’s podcast, Zachary Leader discusses the Larkin-Amis friendship: “…deprivation and restriction powered a really violent, mocking satire. They made fun of all kinds of folly and vice, but did so with Juvenalian raillery
In our latest podcast Philip Pullen (Larkin researcher and chair of Larkin100) and Rachael Galletly (PLS Trustee) join us to discuss Larkin poems that are either about or are directly addressed to specific people in
The second of our two podcasts with a John Betjeman focus, our guest is writer and railway historian Greg Morse. Topics include Betjeman and Larkin’s relationship with the media, twentieth century architecture and cultural history
Our latest podcast features Anne O’Neill and Julian Henry. Anne and Julian are newer members of the Philip Larkin Society team and many people will have already been feeling the benefit of their fantastic work on