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‘Beyond The Secret Garden’

‘Now you’ll be wondering what I thought of The Secret Garden,’ ^Philip Larkin wrote to Monica Jones on 24th June 1953,’ Well I thought it astonishingly good. I can’t imagine how I’ve never come across

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News and Developments

PLS continues to move on apace. We are proud to have celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Society with a very special commemorative edition of ‘About Larkin’ which beautifully captures the highlights and events of

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The Larkin Lockdown Quiz

The Lockdown Larkin Quiz- as the ‘poet laureate of social isolation’, who better to turn to at this time than Philip Larkin? But how well do you know your Larkin? Do you know your Monicas

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The PLS Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is a pandemic special, full of content that we hope will keep you amused while you wait it all out from the safe confines of your armchair. Rest assured that the ‘featured

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Larkin in Lockdown

In these days of extreme, house bound, social isolation Larkin aficionados will be pleased to know that a wealth of Larkin-related material is available online to help pass the time and keep the spirits up.

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