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Andrew Eastwood

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of former PLSCommittee member, Andrew Eastwood. Andrew was the Society’s GeneralSecretary for fourteen years, taking

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A fountain restored

Residents in the avenues area of Hull have been campaigning for many years for the reinstatement of a working fountain on the junction of Victoria

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Home Is So Sad

The Philip Larkin Society is delighted to be collaborating with the Beverley Art Gallery in East Yorkshire to produce what will be the first every

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Eddie Dawes

We announce the sad news that Eddie Dawes, our former Chairman, died on Friday 3rd March after having been admitted to hospital with pneumonia. His

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New PLS Merchandise

It’s that time of year again, looking ahead to Christmas and New Year, and the PLS have just released two new excellent items for our

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‘Larkinworld 2’

Larkinworld 2 is the development of an exhibition by D J Roberts first shown at the National Poetry Library, London, in 2017 and now to

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Larkin Day

Three years in the making, a long and difficult journey through pandemic, lockdown and huge funding difficulties and we made it through. Larkin100 finally got

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Our New President

The Philip Larkin Society is delighted to welcome our new President, journalist, author and advocate for poetry and the arts, Rosie Millard OBE. Rosie says:

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Podcast – Zachary Leader

On this month’s podcast, Zachary Leader discusses the Larkin-Amis friendship: “…deprivation and restriction powered a really violent, mocking satire. They made fun of all kinds

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